Sunday, March 19, 2017

Week of March 20-24

Classroom Update for the week of March 24.

Room three has been very busy these last few weeks.

Language Arts/Writing: The students have been hard at work on their biography reports and we are planning to finish up this week. We will not have a spelling test this week as we have a shorter week and will not have school on Friday due to a teacher inservice day. We will be using this week to review grammar concepts and vocabulary. 

Math: We have started a new unit on fractions. We will still be taking our weekly multiplication tests, so please keep practicing at home. Once students all the students have completed their multiplicaiton and division facts to ten, we will have an ice cream sundae party! Several students have already met this goal.

Social Studies: We are beginning a new unit on government.

Science: Miss Julie has been teaching us about recycling and sustainability. Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. Students had a really fun class learning about composting and investigating what they can find in compost.

Religion: We continue our lenten journey as we prepare for Easter. Students are spending a few minutes each day completing their lenten calendars.  We are planning a special lenten activity with the fourth grade class next Monday to complete the stations of the cross.

Field Trip:   We have a field trip to the Getty Museum planned on Friday, April 7. We are going with the second grade class. Unfortunately, due to limited seating on the bus we are only able to take 4 chaperones and we have had many apply. I am going to have a drawing and select four names. I will be sending emails to everyone who offered to chaperone. If you would like to chaperone but are not selected please feel free to meet us at the Getty. 

Please feel free to email me with any questions.

Kathy Medrano