Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Week of 9-17-13

This week and next, we are taking the ITBS tests, our annual standardized tests. We should be done by next Thursday , September 26th. 

Here is a picture of our blended learning class. Two tables are working on computers while the other two are working on an assignment with the teacher. 

Arts Matters, a 6 week art history program has started with our guest teachers Ms. Lissette and Ms. Azita. We learned about Joseph Pickett.

Joseph was a self taught folk painter who captured the battle at Coryell’s Ferry in New Hope Pennsylvania. This was an historic battle because it was the site for Washington’s famous crossing of the Delaware on December 25, 1776. The American troops were losing the war to Independence but that night because of Washington’s cunning he was able to defeat the enemy in less than 45 minutes and cross into New Jersey. It was a huge win and gave the country new hope and determination. The children followed Joseph Pickett's style by using vibrant colors and abandoning the rules of perspective. The class did a fantastic job collaborating  as a team to create this wonderful collage of a neighborhood.