Saturday, June 21, 2014


Third Grade Supply List


***Please bring all supplies on the first day of school***

Personal items, will be kept at desk—Please label all personal items

1Large sturdy backpack

2Composition notebooks (Not spiral)

1Box of crayons, 24 count only

24#2 pencils with erasers

3Folders with pockets

2Soft, large erasers

2Red ball point pens

1Sturdy zippered pencil pouch (no boxes)

Community items, will be shared—Please do not label community items

1Package of loose leaf WIDE ruled notebook paper

Large boxes Kleenex

Large boxes of hand or surface wipes

1Elmer’s Glue All, 4 oz bottle

2Glue sticks

1  Bottle hand sanitizer with pump, 10 oz or large

Optional supplies

Personal pencil sharpener with a lid

Colored pencils

Reusable water bottle

Headphones or earbuds

Space is limited.  PLEASE do not send extra supplies.  They will be sent home.


Ms. Danforth's email:
School website homepage,
School interactive calendar:
School Twitter feed: @SAS1908
School phone number (310)) 829-2775

Over the summer, reading and practicing those math skills are the most important things for students to do to be ready for the next grade. Please make use of the Scholastic reading program. It is a great way to motivate and reinforce reading.    You can log in with the unique username and password you received from Mrs. Muzzey or me, or you can register on the website Another way to help prevent the summer slide is by taking advantage of the Tenmarks math program.  See the information and access code below to sign up. 

Free Personalized Math Program for Your Child


Sign Up Today!
Use the Access Code: S14SAS1132

How the Program Works:
Your Child(ren) take an Upfront Diagnostic Assessment at Grade Level
A Personalized Curriculum is Created Based on Assessment Results
It Reviews Concepts from the Past Year and Introduces Ones for the Coming Year

It’s Easy for Families to Benefit from the Program.

1)Personalized Program for Each Child Include Hints & Video Lessons for Each Assignment.
2)Points, Levels & Rewards (Created by You) Provide a Fun & Motivating Summer Program.
3)Weekly Reports Emailed to You. Receive End of Summer Performance/Progress Report to Leverage for New School Year.

An hour a week is all it takes to strengthen
math skills and prepare for the year ahead.