Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer 2013

Summer Reading Assignment for Incoming 3rd Graders
Dear Second Graders,
Happy Summer!  I am sure you have lots of fun plans for vacation.  During summer, I want you to read!  Reading is extremely important and should be done every day. 
I am attaching a reading log to keep track of all the books you read over the summer.  You don’t need to fill it in every day, just write down the names of the books you read and number of pages.  I encourage you to visit your local library and participate in their summer reading program.
Keep track of the books you read on the reading log.  I will collect the log on the first day of school.
Have a wonderful summer vacation!  See you in August!
Ms. Danforth

Third Grade Supply List
***Please bring all supplies on the first day of school***
Personal items, will be kept at desk—Please label all personal items
1                                    Large sturdy backpack
1                                    Composition notebook (Not spiral)
2                                     Regular size glue stick
1                                    Box of crayons, 24 count only
24                                    #2 pencils with erasers
3                                    Folders with pockets
2                                    Soft, large erasers
2                                    Red ball point pens
1                                    Sturdy zippered pencil pouch (no boxes)
Community items, will be shared—Please do not label community items
1                                    Package of loose leaf WIDE ruled notebook paper
2                                     Large boxes Kleenex
2                                     Large boxes of hand or surface wipes
1                                    Elmer’s Glue All, 4 oz bottle
1                                      Bottle hand sanitizer with pump, 10 oz or large
Optional supplies
Personal pencil sharpener with a lid
Colored pencils
Reusable water bottle
Reusable lunch box
·      Space is limited.  PLEASE do not send extra supplies.  They will be sent home.
·      Supplies will need to be replenished when they run out.